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Super Dog Rilienthal聪明的狗狗莉莉安塔尓; 賢い犬リリエンタール; Kashikoi Inu Lilienthal; Kashikoi Inu Ririentaaru; Kashikoi Inu Ririentaru; Kashikoi Ken Lilienthal; Kashikoi Ken Rilienthal; Liliental; Lilienthal; Rilienthal; Rilienthal, the Clever Pup; Rilienthal: Pooch of Genius; Ririentaaru; Ririentaru; Smart Dog Rilienthal; Kashikoi Inu Rilienthal; Wise Dog Rilienthal

AuthorAshihara Daisuke
ArtistAshihara Daisuke
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